WPA of course. I really am not worried about war driving. If war driving is something you worry about in your area then my solution is not recommended. I do know there is software that can easily see a hidden SSID. I'm merely trying to prevent easy access to my network.
I do not however understand how anyone can really get on my network with my steps above, aside from MAC spoofing. With the MAC filter enabled the router "should" effectively block any device NOT listed in its filter. My knowledge of Wifi is by no means extensive and Wifi in itself has its own wonky set of rules, but as far as I've ever seen in my work in IT MAC filters are the best way to prevent war driving as even getting connected to the network would still result in a "No Access" flag on the device. Again I really haven't spent much time with Wifi. When I set up a network I prefer to make Wifi a last ditch and ALWAYS prefer to have adequate network drops at every location.
Up until the recent years of smart phones and tablets and other wifi enabled devices being used heavily in the business world I felt that wifi was a novelty for home use and waiting rooms and was really not reliable enough for business use. As I have to deal more and more with these BYOD employers wifi is really pushing into its maturity. With cheap mesh networks available wifi is definitely far from my original feelings.
Back to the original topic. These steps worked for me to get my IPAD to connect at decent speeds. everything else I tried was just not doing it. I was going to try with a different router to see if it was the router but I gave up at that point since I had everything working. It definitely appears to be a problem with the IPAD firmware however because none of my other devices have ever had trouble with my router.
Please feel free to comment. I'm by no means an expert on wifi and if you have more information regarding your comment above I'd love to hear it! I'm always looking for good new information that I can use. 🙂 Thanks michael714 for your response, and sorry for the long reply. Cheers and have a Happy New Year Everyone!