Original Airport Card Disconnect 10.4.3
My wireless connection died in 10.4.3 after I switched batteries? I'm an experienced user and have done most all standard troubleshooting I can think of, so I'm looking for more detailed information from experienced users. The problem is definitely software I believe, and not hardware related, so I'd like to know what System files are used to make the Airport card work? I'd like to try just fixing them, rather that doing an entire archive reinstallation.
Here's what I've done, most done both individually and in combinations:
1) zap PRAM
2) reset NVRAM
3) reset PMU
4) repair disk & permissions
5) clear caches
6) trash preferences
7) trash kextcache & mkext
8) reinstall 10.4.3 Combo update
9) boot OS 9.2.2 after PMU, NVRAM reset
10) boot external 10.4.3 Firewire HD
11) reinstall original battery
The only time the Airport worked was just for a few minutes after #9; and perfectly after #10. When using MS Explorer browser the 9.2 System froze hard and on reboot Airport was dead again. Later attempts to repeat this failed to help. On booting the external Firewire drive the card was FINE, worked perfectly!
I've looked at all the Network settings, which weren't changed, and reset after trashing preferences, and nothing helped. I've tried to compare whatever differences I can find between the iBook HD and the FW HD, but I don't really know which files control the Airport card? The card is recognized, shows up, the kexts are loaded, it just doesn't show any bars or reception. Any ideas?
iBook 500MHz, Mac OS X (10.4.3), no wireless connection signal