So on my ipod touch under settings the wi-fi bar says no wi-fi and its in gray. I cant use the internet at all or internet based apps. All i noticed that the same is with the bluetooth bar under settings/general which says unavailable. Could someone please help me.
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I as well have had the same problem.I've already looked on the other forums and tried the 1st solution of: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings.I have done this and my iTOUCH wi-fi button is still showing gray and will not come on.Is there a possibility that Apple will honor the fact that we have paid for a product that is defective and will refund or send us a new iTOUCH that is in working shape?
I'm also having the same problem. It wasn't like this yesterday or this morning for that matter cuz i checked myspace using it before I left for school. I don't think apple gave us defective equipment, I just think somethin's goin on with the iTouches
I just got my ipad touch tonight and I have been triing to setup the internet part of it now and it lists the connection i access here at home but when I enter my password for the connection i get the message unable to join the network so does anyone know what I can do to solve this?
the same here, please show us how to fix this problem.
Depending on how your router is setup, you may have to add your iPod's MAC address to the access list on your router before it will be able to connect.
Depending on how your router is setup, you may have to add your iPod's MAC address to the access list on your router before it will be able to connect.
faceless-code and all the others with WiFi grayed out:
Start with this article: which address both problems.
Start with resetting your network settings. If that doesn't do it, go right to step 3 and restore your iPod. To be on the safe side, I would "restore as new" to make sure you don't drag anything over that is causing the problem.
If you still have a problem, you most likely have a hardware problem. If you are still in warranty you can have it repaired for no charge by Apple. If you are out of warranty, Google iPod touch repair for independent shops to fix it.
Start with this article: which address both problems.
Start with resetting your network settings. If that doesn't do it, go right to step 3 and restore your iPod. To be on the safe side, I would "restore as new" to make sure you don't drag anything over that is causing the problem.
If you still have a problem, you most likely have a hardware problem. If you are still in warranty you can have it repaired for no charge by Apple. If you are out of warranty, Google iPod touch repair for independent shops to fix it.
No Wi-Fi