Adding files to iTunes: iTunes adds them in no particular order
When I import a cd, it imports the songs in track listing order. I keep my library in "added" order.
When I add them to the library as explained above, iTunes does so in no particular order, and if I try to do it again, it does so in yet another order. Totally arbitrary order. Not alphabetical title, not track number, not size or time, totally no particular order.
I want the files to be added (and so, displayed in track listing order when "added" sort order) in track listing order. Is there a way to do this other than adding the files one by one?
This is a 20-cd box with 440 songs, it would be suicidal.
As I already mentioned, I want this because I keep the library as sort by "added", and anyway unless you keep it ordered by track number, which is stupid as it would sort all songs in the library i assume by track number, they should be imported as track number first.
Dell XPS laptop, Windows XP