Help! IPhone charger started FIRE
I went to buy a new charger, and tried it out but it didn't work. SO it is the old charger's fault. And then to my surprise, I researched this problem, and apparently there have been many other cases of it happening!! Also, Im not sure if this is correct, but maybe.. there was a recall on the type of wall chargers they give you with a new iphone a year ago, but are these the ones they are still giving now?
My phone is only four months old. So it is under warranty. What will happen when I go to the apple store? Will it be replaced immediately? For free or will I have to pay? I am leaving on a trip in two days and really need to have my phone for emergencies.
Don't get me wrong, I love apple products, but it is very frustrating when there is a risk of my apartment catching on fire, and having to buy a whole new phone because of something that is not my fault.
Thanks for your help!!