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How can I restore my address book?

I just bought a new iPhone (my first) and synced it to my computer for the first time. My Address Book on my Mac was wiped clean! When I was at AT&T store, the contact information from my old cell phone was transferred to my contact list on my new iPhone. That list was transferred to the Address book on my Power Mac but all of the existing contacts were replaced by the contact list on my iPhone. (GULP!) I believe that I located a file in the Address Book directory named: AddressBook.data.previous. I am hoping that I can restore my previous address book to what it was before I synced my iPhone. I also have back up files on an exterior hard drive. How can I restore the old address book, and then, how do I merge it with the contact list that now resides on my new iPhone? I am praying that this can be restored!

Power Mac G5, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.5 GB memory

Posted on Jun 6, 2010 9:50 PM

19 replies
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Jun 7, 2010 2:07 PM in response to wjosten

wjosten-- your solution of logging out & then logging back in using admin account almost solved the problem. I found out that it lacked one aspect. (see article link below) It was necessary to change the new directory name, then rename the old home directory to the user's correct short name. Regardless, thank you so, so much for your help!


Although I was successful reversing all the damage from renaming my home directory, my Address Book is still corrupted from when I synced my iPhone, which resulted in replacing my Address Book contacts with my iPhone contacts instead of merging them. I don't even know if merging is an option, but that is the outcome that I would like. Do you know anything about that?

Thank you, again!

Jun 8, 2010 2:01 PM in response to emmagoldman

Lets try removing & reinstalling the AMDS. Follow these steps exactly. When complete, disable auto sync as before and reset warnings, as before.

1. Disconnect your iPhone from the Mac.
2. In the Finder, locate iTunes in the Applications folder and drag it to the Trash.
3. Move the iTunes icon to the Trash.
4. Choose Go > Go to Folder.
5. Enter /System/Library/Extensions and click Go.
6. Locate the file AppleMobileDevice.kext and drag it to the Trash.
7. Choose Go > Go to Folder.
8. Enter /Library/Receipts/ and click Go.
9. Locate the file AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg and drag it to the Trash. If prompted, authenticate with the administrator password.
10. Restart the computer.
11. Choose Finder > Empty Trash and restart the computer.
12. Download and install the current version of iTunes.


13. Connect your phone to the Mac again and open iTunes.

Jun 7, 2010 7:57 AM in response to emmagoldman

Since my initial post I made several disturbing discoveries. Not only had my Address Book been wiped clean, but my iCal was also wiped clean. In addition Firefox wasn't loading properly so I closed and reopened it and found that it was like opening Firefox for the first time. My personal toolbar and all my bookmarks were gone. Also, I have an email account that utilizes Thunderbird. The email account was gone. I was prompted to create a new account from scratch. Additionally, all my Desktop files were gone, the Dock was missing all of the program icons that I had put there, and configurations that I had set up such as the right mouse click button were all gone!

There was one piece of information that I left out of my description in my first post, and this may be important. When I connected my iPhone to sync for the first time, I was prompted in iTunes if I wanted to name my iphone "Apple User's (or Appleuser's) iPhone". Rather than just put a different name in that field, I blundered by renaming the username in the Finder Sidebar. It was from that point on that I started having the problems. When I renamed it back to "Appleuser" later on, none of the missing items returned.

So, I don't know if renaming the user in the Finder Sidebar, or syncing my iPhone for the first time caused this problem. I think (hope) somehow that I just inadvertently effected the user information, that it still must be on my computer, but I don't know how to get it back again. I want to mention again that I do have a backup external hard drive, so chances are that I have the files intact there, if not on my internal Mac HD.

Can somebody help me to restore my settings so that I can get these lost items back again?

Jun 7, 2010 9:22 AM in response to wjosten

Hi wjosten-- I think you're right on target but I'm having a problem bringing back the original user name. When I tried to rename it to the original name I got a window pop up that read, "That name is already taken. Choose a different name". In the Users folder I see the old user name folder and all of the sub-folders that appear to be intact. What I don't see is the old user name "house" icon that I think needs to be placed in the Finder Side bar.

Here is a link to a screen shot with description that might be helpful.
http://s756.photobucket.com/albums/xx209/Danny_Weiss/?action=view&current=Finder withusernames.png

Jun 7, 2010 2:27 PM in response to wjosten

I have information on each that I would like to merge into one. I have been building my Address Book contact list since I migrated from Windows to Mac about 3 years ago. The contact list on my iPhone was created from my contact list on my old cell phone, and transferred onto the iPhone just 2 days ago. That list has mostly different information, just names and phone numbers. Is it possible to merge the two lists together? In any regard I would like to restore my Mac Address Book. I believe that I have secure backup files on my external hard drive, and also with the file 'AddressBook.data.previous'. Could you help me with that process?

I want to let you know how much I appreciate your support! Thank you!!

Jun 7, 2010 2:39 PM in response to emmagoldman

Disable auto sync when an iphone/ipod is connected under preferences in itunes. Restore your address book from your backup. Once all of that is done, connect your phone, itunes running, control click(right click for former windows users) the phone in the left device pane & select "reset warnings". When you sync, you'll get a popup regarding your contacts, asking to merge or replace. Select merge.

To restore: In Address Book, choose Revert to Address Book Backup from the File menu. In the resulting dialog, locate your backup file (it ends with a .abbu extension), select it, and click Open.

Jun 8, 2010 11:10 AM in response to wjosten

wjosten-- some difficulties. I disabled auto sync in iTunes. I wasn't able to restore the Address Book as you directed; I couldn't find any .abbu file extensions. Could that be for later versions of OSX then 10.4.11? However I did manage to restore my original Address Book by going into the Address Book directory and renaming the existing file AddressBookold.data, moved it to my desktop, then renamed the previous file: Addressbook.data. That worked.

Before connecting my iPhone, in itunes I right clicked and then chose "reset warnings". I connected the iphone, and then clicked sync. There was no popup. iPhone synced, then said that I could disconnect. After syncing neither the Address Book nor my iPhone contact list was changed. It's good that the Address Book wasn't replaced by my iPhone contact list, but I am still frustrated by not being able to merge them together. Any ideas how to proceed? Thank you--

Jun 8, 2010 11:14 AM in response to emmagoldman

Close itunes. Launch isync from your applications folder. Under preferences, select "reset sync history". Give it a minute to run, then re-boot your computer. Launch itunes, connect your phone, reset warnings again, hit the sync button...see if this works.

Jun 8, 2010 12:07 PM in response to wjosten

This is very discouraging -- it didn't work. Just to test out my iCal to see if it would update from the iphone, before syncing I changed a start and end time of an entry. It didn't update it. But getting back to syncing the Address Book, I wonder why it's not working. Any other ideas? Thanks again.

Jun 8, 2010 1:54 PM in response to wjosten

Do you think this might be significant? After connecting iphone, clicking reset warnings, then clicking syncing, I do get a pop up each time, but it doesn't ask if I want to merge. It's a solicitation from Apple that asks if I will share information. Here's the popup screen shot.


I have the box checked,"Do Not Ask Again" each time but it always comes back. Strange that this pop up keeps loading while the merge doesn't. Thoughts? -r

Jun 9, 2010 12:16 PM in response to wjosten

wjosten-- I thought that I would give Apple iPhone support a call since I have free phone support for 90 days. The specialist said that my Power Mac OS (OS X 10.4.11) is not supported with the 3GS and the latest iTunes. He thought that syncing would not work correctly. Considering this new info, does it make sense to try your latest suggestion of removing & reinstalling the AMDS?

Jun 9, 2010 12:52 PM in response to emmagoldman

OS X 10.4.11 is the bare minimum. The phone tech is wrong about that point. As long as your USB ports are 2.0(you don't say what model Power Mac you have) we can most likely get this to work. If your USB ports are not 2.0, then the phone tech is correct, syncing will be hit or miss, mostly miss. You have nothing to lose by removing & reinstalling the AMDS, other than your time and it just "may" fix your issue.

How can I restore my address book?

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