This is my first ever post so cut me a little slack... but does anyone know which carrier Apple uses? I live in the Philadelphia area if that matters... I wasnt sure if they use UPS or FED EX.
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I am guessing since it is a pre order they will ship it early next week and just mark it for delivery for the 24th correct? Here is why I am asking, Fed Ex gets to my house at 10:00 a.m. and UPS comes at 4:30 p.m. I am assuming iTunes is going to be a nightmare to try to activate the phone and I am leaving for business that day. An earlier start would be fantastic, rather than playing with iTunes for 3 hours to get it to work. Praying for FED EX!
Last year for the 3GS launch they sent a bunch out via UPS, including mine. The night before around midnight the listed delivery my iPhone was supposedly in China. By 4am the tracking was updated to show it was in San Diego. I think they were holding back the tracking updates. It was crazy last year, I imagine this year it will be ten times worse.
They typically ship orders via FedEx. When I got my 3GS the driver was a couple of hours later than he normally was, he told me it was because his deliveries had more than doubled, just because of the iPhone. Looks like this one may be worse. With the numbers going out, it is possible that they will use both UPS and FedEx. You should get an email when it ships with the tracking number, that would tell you which carrier it is going through. Just remember, they will probably be delivering later than normal.
They will probably use both carriers. When the 3Gs launched I placed two orders. UPS delivered the first one and misdelivered the second. I saw what was happening and called Apple. The second one arrived on time, via FedEx.
Apple may use a single carrier, or more than one carrier.
FedEx. At least that's the one who delivered my macbook pro after I placed the order online.
Apple's used either in the past, but they most commonly use FedEx.
Don't forget a signature will be required.
Don't forget a signature will be required.
Got my 3GS last year via UPS. Arrived at my house around 9:45 AM on launch day.
does anyone know apple ships, UPS, FEDEX?