iTunes HD-SD to iPhone4?
Dell Studio Slim / Mac Mini 4GB Model, Mac OS X (10.6.3), iPhone 4 w/MobileMe
Dell Studio Slim / Mac Mini 4GB Model, Mac OS X (10.6.3), iPhone 4 w/MobileMe
leccegills: your series of blog posts (the middle one of which you linked to above) is superb, thank you. As somebody who has just bought an Apple TV, I’d been wrestling with the thorny problem of how to import movies into Tunes so that I could send them to both the ATV and my 3GS iPhone. I'd hoped to avoid creating two files (one for each device), but it seems that this is not feasible unless I settle for a compromise where the iPhone gets an unnecessarily large file and the ATV gets a sub-standard image. However, your suggestion of using iFlicks to import both the iPhone-optimised and ATV-optimised files into iTunes so that they show up as a single entry with the HD-SD tag (with the correct file getting synced to the correct device automagically) – not to mention all the meta data and cover artwork – was briliant. Thank you.
My current production line system is: 1. RipIt (to quickly generate videots folders during the day whilst I'm around to swap discs in and out of the Superdrive; 2. Handbrake to crunch through the queued-up videots folders overnight; 3. iFlicks to add metadata and perform the iTunes import (combining the HD/SD files in the iTunes library entry in the process).
I mean, it's slow... I'm doing this on a 4 year old Macbook Pro, so encoding is painful. But still. Yay.
iTunes HD-SD to iPhone4?