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Macbook Pro waking up when put to sleep

I've been having this problem for almost a year. Whether I just close the MBP or actually go to "Apple" then "sleep" my MBP will come awake. If it is closed, the Apple will light up and the disk drive will make a noise like it is ejecting. If it is open and I put it to sleep, it just simply wakes up.

I've tried almost everything to resolve this issue:

- Bluetooth is turned off
- I tried the command line prompt that makes it only wake up if a key is pressed (this worked for a while, but only if I left the lid open, which I didnt mind. About a week ago it stopped working all together)
- Reset the PRAM
- And today I went to Apple and bought Snow Leopard (since I was only using Leopard), formatted my HD and upgraded my OS

and its still doing it!! I know I should just bring it in to an Apple store, but I thought the last one would fix the problem...

So if anyone has any other solutions please let me know!

powerPC, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

Posted on Jul 3, 2010 2:13 PM

103 replies

Jan 28, 2011 8:57 AM in response to Anthony Pitman

I've had this problem for over 3 years. my 2007 MBP did this constantly, I believe after upgrading to Leopard. I mainly noticed when it was connected to an external display, but I believe it did it whether it was connected or not. Many morning I would wake up and find my machine was cooking itself at 80 degrees with the lid shut and cpu running fully.

Anyway, I ignored the problem mainly by turning off the Dell monitor it was plugged into at night. However I believe it would still wake itself.

I just bought a 2010 MBP and a 27" Cinema display. Lo and behold, first night here and it woke up at 4 AM - VERY annoying. In fact I got up right away to turn it back to sleep (via keyboard commands) and it would just wake up again a minute later. This happened 3 times and I eventually pulled the plug. Since I can't turn the cinema display off, this is a major problem.

In Terminal I used

syslog |grep -i "Wake reason ="

And revealed that the wake reason at 4 AM was EHC1, this USB host controller. I have 3 USB devices plugged in (ipod shuffle, apple keyboard, logitech mouse) and BT mouse. BT is set to wake the machine, but I have tested my mouse and waking it causes an EHC2 trigger. So I do not believe the wake was related to the mouse.

Obviously there was no user activity at 4 AM, and what's worse it KEPT waking up on EHC1:

Fri Jan 28 03:59:11 MilesBs-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Debug>: Wake reason = EHC1
Fri Jan 28 04:01:53 MilesBs-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Debug>: Wake reason = EHC1
Fri Jan 28 04:09:28 MilesBs-MacBook-Pro kernel[0] <Debug>: Wake reason = EHC1
*at this point I pulled the power cable*

I'm going to unplug USB devices one at a time and see if any of them are the culprit. Logitech mouse is getting the axe first.

What's really perplexing is that the computer was desperate to stay awake at 4 AM. Went back to sleep and it woke up again 7 minutes later - what's the deal?

I have seen someone suggest that triggering sleep from apple menu rather than keyboard shortcut helps (seems silly). Will also try this, once USB has been ruled out.

Jan 29, 2011 12:14 PM in response to mmmiles B

To re-cap, the problem we've been discussing is this:

* No USB devices connected
* Bluetooth is off
* No timer set for auto wake
* Wake for Network Access is disabled
* When sleep is initiated by any means, it wakes in 2 seconds with EHC1
* Re-booting resolves the problem for some random period of time.

I had not had the problem for about a month, but it happened again this morning. Last time I reported the following:

Dec 21 20:51:26 MBP kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/My Book, pid 1473
Dec 21 20:53:29 MBP kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/My Book, flags 0, pid 1499
Dec 21 20:53:29 MBP kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CancelOneRequest: cancelling slot 19 error 89 reqID 16273 flags 0x9 afpCmd 0xF0000002 so 0xa29c330
Dec 21 21:03:09 MBP kernel[0]: AFPSleepWakeHandler: going to sleep
Dec 21 21:03:09 MBP kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
Dec 21 21:03:09 MBP kernel[0]: vmnet: bridge-en1: interface en is going DOWN
Dec 21 21:03:10 MBP kernel[0]: vmmon: powerStateDidChange flags=0x4 (state 2)
Dec 21 21:03:10 MBP kernel[0]: System Sleep
Dec 21 21:03:11 MBP kernel[0]: Wake reason = EHC1

This time I have

Jan 29 07:15:03 MBP kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/My Book, pid 2462
Jan 29 07:20:54 MBP kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/My Book, flags 0, pid 2499
Jan 29 07:20:55 MBP kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CancelOneRequest: cancelling slot 29 error 89 reqID 48442 flags 0x9 afpCmd 0xF0000002 so 0x9c15e58
Jan 29 07:47:52 MBP kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/My Book, pid 2523
Jan 29 07:51:03 MBP kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/My Book, flags 0, pid 2556
Jan 29 07:51:04 MBP kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CancelOneRequest: cancelling slot 24 error 89 reqID 24245 flags 0x9 afpCmd 0xF0000002 so 0xa6b44c8
Jan 29 08:14:05 MBP kernel[0]: AFPSleepWakeHandler: going to sleep
Jan 29 08:14:08 MBP kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
Jan 29 08:14:08 MBP kernel[0]: vmnet: bridge-en1: interface en is going DOWN
Jan 29 08:14:08 MBP kernel[0]: vmmon: powerStateDidChange flags=0x4 (state 2)
Jan 29 08:14:08 MBP kernel[0]: System Sleep
Jan 29 08:14:10 MBP kernel[0]: Wake reason = EHC1

In both cases it seems like the only thing that happened between a normal wake and the crazy one was a mount and unmount of one of my portable USB powered hard drives. Is this a connection?

I've done an SMC reset and rebooted, so sleep is normal, now. If this lasts a while, I'll try using the drives, again. But I have two similar drives-- I'm not sure which one (if it's specific) might be the cause.

Jan 29, 2011 7:21 PM in response to Richard.Taylor

Thanks for the re-cap. I can probably move ahead faster in testing it on my own end.

Sleep works properly for me most of the time. I have no rebooted at all, but I am able to trigger sleep mode now if I want to - and it will cooperate.

But at 4AM (twice now, and only at 4AM) I had an experience similar to yours. It woke up, I triggered sleep, it re-woke between 0 and 120 seconds after.

I'm really curious about the 4AM issue. It's not on the nose 4AM however, but +/0 5 minutes, which does not seem like a specific timed activity. Unless something is spooling up, but does not actually wake the machine until it is ready, and takes different amounts of time each time? This seems very erratic and unlikely to me.

This time I left the lid closed, and cinema display on. I do not believe that the screen woke up last night (although it's possible). The screen saver was triggered, but the machine did not return to sleep according to the power settings.

I would like to accuse Time Machine, but I don't see why it would only wake the machine at 4AM to do it? If this were a Windows machine, I would expect Windows Update to fire off at 4 AM, but what would OSX be doing?

Jan 29, 2011 7:50 PM in response to Anthony Pitman

I'm having the same problem with my iMac. I can only put to sleep using the Apple menu NOT the keyboard shortcuts.....if I use the keyboard shortcuts.....the computer immediately wakes up within seconds.

Additionally, I have an external drive attached for Time Machine backups only. And I have usb Keyboard, speakers, Bamboo tablet and microphone attached.

Also, when the computer goes to sleep naturally, it does not enter the same sleep as when I use the apple menu Sleep. Only the display turns off, but the computer is still on as evidenced by all the peripherals lights, etc.

I did not expect this behavior.

Jan 29, 2011 8:00 PM in response to mmmiles B

The Mac OS runs background maintenance scripts in the early morning hours, clearing out dead space in memory, and such. This is not supposed to happen on a sleeping laptop, but the coincidence of the times makes it tempting to think there is a connection in your case. I'm not sure how to check for that.

The problem that this thread is addressing is a failure to sleep at all. A re-boot causes normal sleep routines but, for some unknown reason, the system changes and the computer will no longer sleep for more than 2 seconds.

Have you tried an SMC reset?

Feb 7, 2011 3:13 AM in response to John436

If it can be useful, it all started since I have replaced, under warranty, the battery that now is not the one from 5430 but from 5770 mAh, the same day that I have replaced the battery the problem began. Before the replacement is, however, received keyboard commands to stop completely! The technician said that the Apple replacement battery has nothing to do, he reinstalled the system but the problem is not solved!

Feb 8, 2011 7:32 PM in response to John436

John436 wrote:
... what can I do?

If you read this thread carefully,


that I referred to in your earlier post, you will find that what has worked for me is a clean re-install of the OS and a migration that does not include the user library.

It seems likely that changing batteries, running a particular program, updating the OS, or sneezing just before the problem occurs are really just coincidences and are not connected with the problem.

Do you use time machine to do regular backups?

Feb 8, 2011 7:43 PM in response to John436

John436 wrote:
what can I do?

If you carefully read the thread that I referred you to in an earlier post,


you will see that what I found worked was a clean install of the OS and a migration of all but the user library.

It is likely that changing batteries, updating the OS, running a particular program, or sneezing just before the problem occurs is just a coincidence and is unrelated to the not-sleeping anomaly.

Do you do regular Time Machine backups?

Feb 9, 2011 5:43 AM in response to Richard.Taylor

I have carefully read the above. I use TimeMachine. So, I want to clarify: before replacing the battery, I use version 10.6.6 and the MacBook Pro was going to stop using the keyboard commands without problems. Then, after replacing the battery, the MB did not go to sleep using alt/cmd/eject and then the technician initializes the disc, bringing the operating system to version 10.6.3, with this version, it stop using the keyboard shortcut worked. Then, I upgraded to 10.6.6 and using the keyboard no longer went to sleep. Now, I tried to remove: powermanagement.plist and autowake.plist; print jobs, the login items, turn off the airport, the software key internet, but nothing changes!
If it can be useful, here are the console messages with both users:


09/02/11 10.17.29 com.apple.launchd[1] * launchd[1] has started up. *
09/02/11 10.17.50 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87] (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
09/02/11 10.17.51 com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[79] ALF error: cannot find useragent 1102
09/02/11 10.17.51 com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[79] plugin.UserEventAgentFactory: called with typeID=FC86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0
09/02/11 10.17.52 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87] (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[109]) Exited with exit code: 1
09/02/11 10.17.55 com.apple.WindowServer[69] Wed Feb 9 10:17:55 MacBook-Pro-------------------.local WindowServer[69] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
09/02/11 10.18.10 DashboardClient[121] (com.apple.widget.calculator) file:///Library/Widgets/Calculator.wdgt/localizedStrings.js: SyntaxError: Parse error (line: 5)
09/02/11 10.18.10 com.apple.Dock.agent[91] 2011-02-09 10:18:10.542 DashboardClient[121:a03] (com.apple.widget.calculator) file:///Library/Widgets/Calculator.wdgt/localizedStrings.js: SyntaxError: Parse error (line: 5)
09/02/11 10.18.10 DashboardClient[121] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.18.10 com.apple.Dock.agent[91] 2011-02-09 10:18:10.782 DashboardClient[121:a03] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.18.10 DashboardClient[121] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.18.10 com.apple.Dock.agent[91] 2011-02-09 10:18:10.863 DashboardClient[121:a03] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.20.46 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87] ([0x0-0xf00f].com.apple.Console[132]) Exited: Killed
09/02/11 10.22.30 com.apple.Dock.agent[91] 2011-02-09 10:22:30.381 DashboardClient[121:a03] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.22.30 DashboardClient[121] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.26.09 [0x0-0x19019].com.apple.systempreferences[175] Couldn't find any matches.
09/02/11 10.36.26 DashboardClient[121] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.36.26 com.apple.Dock.agent[91] 2011-02-09 10:36:26.919 DashboardClient[121:a03] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 10.36.35 coconutBattery[185] 11123
09/02/11 10.36.40 coconutBattery[185] 11123
09/02/11 11.14.31 DashboardClient[121] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 11.14.31 com.apple.Dock.agent[91] 2011-02-09 11:14:31.654 DashboardClient[121:a03] com.apple.widget.unitconverter: xml request failed
09/02/11 11.18.49 SystemUIServer[92] It does not make sense to draw an image when [NSGraphicsContext currentContext] is nil. This is a programming error. Break on _NSWarnForDrawingImageWithNoCurrentContext to debug. This will be logged only once. This may break in the future.

Standard User

09/02/11 11.24.35 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87] ([0x0-0x2b02b].com.apple.Console[223]) Exited: Killed
09/02/11 11.24.39 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87] ([0x0-0x30030].com.apple.TextEdit[240]) Exited: Killed
09/02/11 11.29.07 [0x0-0x15015].com.microsoft.Word[160] File add.stp non trovato
09/02/11 11.29.14 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87] (com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent[111]) Exited: Killed
09/02/11 11.29.14 com.apple.Dock.agent[91] file:///Library/Widgets/Calculator.wdgt/localizedStrings.js:5: JS ERROR: SyntaxError: Parse error
09/02/11 11.29.14 com.apple.loginwindow[36] Wed Feb 9 11:29:14 MacBook-Pro------------.local loginwindow[36] <Warning>: CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
09/02/11 11.29.14 com.apple.loginwindow[36] Wed Feb 9 11:29:14 MacBook-Pro-di-----------------------.local loginwindow[36] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
09/02/11 11.29.14 com.apple.loginwindow[36] Wed Feb 9 11:29:14 MacBook-Pro---------------------.local loginwindow[36] <Warning>: CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
09/02/11 11.29.16 com.apple.WindowServer[284] Wed Feb 9 11:29:16 MacBook-Pro----------------------.local WindowServer[284] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
09/02/11 11.29.25 com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[290] ALF error: cannot find useragent 1102
09/02/11 11.29.25 com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[290] plugin.UserEventAgentFactory: called with typeID=FC86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0
09/02/11 11.31.59 com.apple.loginwindow[283] Wed Feb 9 11:31:59 MacBook-Pro---------------------.local loginwindow[283] <Warning>: CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
09/02/11 11.31.59 com.apple.loginwindow[283] Wed Feb 9 11:31:59 MacBook-Pro----------------------.local loginwindow[283] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
09/02/11 11.31.59 com.apple.loginwindow[283] Wed Feb 9 11:31:59 MacBook-Pro--------------------.local loginwindow[283] <Warning>: CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
09/02/11 11.32.00 com.apple.WindowServer[344] Wed Feb 9 11:32:00 MacBook-Pro-----------------------.local WindowServer[344] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
09/02/11 11.32.08 com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[347] ALF error: cannot find useragent 1102
09/02/11 11.32.08 com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[347] plugin.UserEventAgentFactory: called with typeID=FC86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0
09/02/11 11.32.08 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[358] (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
09/02/11 11.32.09 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[358] (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[378]) Exited with exit code: 1
09/02/11 11.32.09 SystemUIServer[363] It does not make sense to draw an image when [NSGraphicsContext currentContext] is nil. This is a programming error. Break on _NSWarnForDrawingImageWithNoCurrentContext to debug. This will be logged only once. This may break in the future.

Thanks for your interest.

Feb 9, 2011 1:08 PM in response to Richard.Taylor

Hello mr Taylor and all you guys having this issue.

I've had problems putting my Macbook Pro 15" i7 manually to sleep since i got it april 2010. Now my warranty soon will end, and I've decided to dig into this problem which have haunted me for nearly one year - from 10.6.3 - 10.6.4 - 10.6.5 and now 10.6.6.

Well today I found this thread and read about the console log message "Wake reason = EHC1" not meaning some USB device like Logitech mouse or what ever. I also noticed that waking from sleep with the USB mouse gave "Wake reason = EHC2". An earlier post on this thread stated that EHC1 could also mean the camera or the IR receiver. So I decided to wake it with the Apple Remote and it gave me the EH1 wake reason.

The big frustration has been that this problems appears randomly (form me almost once a day), but rebooting fixes the problem temporarily. So I tested the manual sleep after waking the computer with the Apple remote and the problem reappeared. I've done it twice, and for the first time the issue looks like it can be reproduced by using the remote to wake the MBP from sleep.

I'm heading for the local Apple Store to have them replacing my ir port for sure.

Feb 9, 2011 1:47 PM in response to John436

(Waking the MBP from sleep with the Apple Remote gave me the "Wake reason = EHC1" in the console log, of course. I do not know why i can't edit my own post.)

I've never used the alt / cmd / eject-shortcut before. But I often press the power button and then press the S-key to putt the MBP to sleep. I haven't seen any differences in my case where it mattered using shortcut or the apple-menu. But to answer your question. When the problem hits I can not put the MBP to sleep with the alt / cmd / eject-shortcut either. Tested it right now.

Feb 9, 2011 7:10 PM in response to eyefunk

eyefunk wrote:
I haven't seen any differences in my case where it mattered using shortcut or the apple-menu.

Exactly so. The remote is an interesting idea. I do use the apple remote occasionally, but I don't believe that the waking effect occurs directly with that. Perhaps another IR signal would also cause the problem. I wonder if a TV remote might also cause a similar effect. I'll try both later. It is so easy to see patterns that aren't really there...

Macbook Pro waking up when put to sleep

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