Apple Airpods causing serious headache
I have been using Apple Airpods for a while (almost a year). But for past few weeks I have noticed a kind of pain on my right side of the face including top of my head. On an average 4-5 hours per day, I was using Airpod in my right ear. Slowly I reduced it to 1hr/day but the pain kept increasing. I started to have severe headache on those days I use Airpod. While sleeping I could hear some kind of noise (something like cricket insects sounds at night) in my right ear along with it I had severe headache as well. Consulted my ENT and he advised not to use it anymore. Now for the past 1 week I'm not using the Airpod and didn't have any headache or ear pain so far. Today I used it for few minutes and while using it I started to have pain in my ear and right top side of my head again. I still have slight headache on the right side. I'm sure this tiny gadget is very dangerous and it can cause serious damage. Apple must look in to this concern. I'm ready to go for any kind of test (if required) to prove this.