Disable Burst photos in iPhone X with iOS 12.1.1.
How to disable the burst photos when taking photos with the front camera with timer switchd on. The camera shoots s burst of 10 photos. The device is iPhone X with ioS 12.1.1.
iPhone X
How to disable the burst photos when taking photos with the front camera with timer switchd on. The camera shoots s burst of 10 photos. The device is iPhone X with ioS 12.1.1.
iPhone X
The only way to stop burst mode during timed photos is to turn the flash On. When the flash is On the camera will only take 1 picture.
The only way to stop burst mode during timed photos is to turn the flash On. When the flash is On the camera will only take 1 picture.
Disable Burst photos in iPhone X with iOS 12.1.1.