The wifi network requires a WPA2 password - 2018
I've experienced this problem on both my MacMini and my MBP running Mojave and previously on my MPB running High Sierra.
The Mac would not connect to a WIFI access point, claiming the wifi network requires a WPA2 password.
This was very annoying as :
a) the wifi had worked previously
b) the access point was working with other devices, e.g. my Android tablet and phone
c) the password was correct, as I could view the access point through my MacMini's wired ethernet connection.
There's a lot of advice on this problem and it's been persistent. I tried all of the usual suggestions without any success:
- Forget the WIFI network, remove it from System Preferences - then reboot
- Delete Spaces preferences in the Library folder - then reboot
- Rebooted the WAP/router
- Change the WIFI password on the router
But then I found the solution.
Open System Preferences / Network / WIFI / Advanced / TCP/IP and then click the Renew DHCP Lease.
The wifi instantly connected.
I hope this helps some with this annoying issue.
PS I'm on Mojave 10.14.2 and so this may not work on other MacOS versions but it's worth a try.