Whats my trade in value now
I was about to get the iphone xs max soon but unfortunately my iphone 7 dropped and cracked where the home button is. Wondering if this is still considered damaged or not. Thanks!
I was about to get the iphone xs max soon but unfortunately my iphone 7 dropped and cracked where the home button is. Wondering if this is still considered damaged or not. Thanks!
I see several issues you will have. I may have omitted some:
Why do you think theres other issues with the phone other than the screen? Unless small dents are also accounted for then the phone is prefectly fine. And theres a store by me that fixes screens for $80 which i have done before with this phone. When i was doing the apple giveback check online for the XS MAX it says you get 250 for a good screen and 100 for a damaged in return. Unless what theyre asking online isnt what they check in stores than i dont see how i wont get credit, its only asking for functionality. Im planning on getting it by the new year which may be the only valid reason you said why i might not get it given if the promotion is still active.
And theres a store by me that fixes screens for $80 which i have done before with this phone.
In that case, your trade is almost certainly going to be rejected, as you have had unauthorized repairs performed on this iPhone.
Apple's GiveBack program would say "your iPhone is ready to recycle", which means you would receive no gift certificate or value for it, but it would be handled in an earth-friendly way.
So if i get the screen fixed for 80 dollars i can get the full $250?
That was about the only thing you said that may be true. Thanks
Whats my trade in value now