Strongly recommend you DO NOT get Synology routers to replace Apple TimeCapsule
A little off-topic, for which I'm sorry. I wanted to replace my combo of 3TB TimeCapsule + AP router (with 4TB USB disk), as a dual-backup Time Machine (after all, this is what Apple now suggests).
I bought a Synology 2600ac router + 2x Synology MR2200ac mesh routers, and configured them all as access points. Now, if you have just one 2600ac router with a USB disk plugged in, you will have no issues.
As soon as you add one or more 2200 mesh routers, the following happens:
1) You will lose all Bonjour services on the 2600 with disk. This makes setting up Time Machine backups nasty.
2) *NONE* of the 2200 routers will recognise their own USB 3.0 ports (so no extra backup disks). Seriously, WTF??
Look, the mesh network works fine as far as wi-fi and Internet access goes. You are pretty much stuffed if you want it to replace your old Apple network gear.
I actually resorted to re-installing my old 3TB TimeCapsule, with wi-fi disabled, plugged in via Ethernet, as a "NAS" TimeMachine backup!
Be very wary!!