Mirror Iphone to Quicktime 7
I am trying to mirror my iphone on my macbook pro. I open the Quicktime and it says I need to upgrade to pro for almost all of the options.
iPhone XS Max
I am trying to mirror my iphone on my macbook pro. I open the Quicktime and it says I need to upgrade to pro for almost all of the options.
iPhone XS Max
QuickTime Player 10 is part of the OS (10.6 and later). You must have it, unless you purposefully removed it, and dismissed all the warnings.
Try a Spotlight search to locate the other QuickTime Player.
QuickTime Player 10 is part of the OS (10.6 and later). You must have it, unless you purposefully removed it, and dismissed all the warnings.
Try a Spotlight search to locate the other QuickTime Player.
QuickTime 7 is a playback software foremost. For editing-like features, one needed to upgrade to Pro. Apple doesn’t sell Pro licenses anymore for a couple of years now (mid 2016).
QuickTime 10 is current, and does allow recording and mirroring. QuickTime 10 has different features; not all of what was possible in QuickTime 7 (Pro) is possible in QuickTime 10. QuickTime10 is the same for everyone; there is no separate Pro license.
What is the model (year, season, cpu) of your MacBook Pro, and macOS version?
Is there any reason that QuickTime 10 isn’t an option for you?
There is no more Pro version of QuickTime Player 7.
Use QuickTime X in the Applications folder.
I have a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015.
i have macOS Sierra.
Only 7 is showing up.
Mirror Iphone to Quicktime 7