Apple Watch Series 3 with iPhone - music issues (no default shuffle? watch seems confused)
To say I am frustrated with the Music controls on the Apple Watch is an understatement. It's pretty much the whole reason I bought the watch and Apple AirPods. If I go on a "short" run (5 miles or less) I don't take my phone and I simply use my Apple Watch to stream music - and this works okay (and that means not "good" just "okay" - it's glitchy).
Besides the general glitchyness of streaming form the watch, I can find no way to make "shuffle songs" the default setting when I choose a playlist or have a playlist auto-play when I select a workout with the workout app. I mean when someone has a playlist with hundreds of songs, why would they want to always start with the first song in the playlist and then hear each song in order?? This is a royal pain when you are working out and you have to spend several minutes fiddling with controls trying to get your playlist to shuffle!
Next issue - when I go on longer workouts, particularly bike rides, I like to take my iPhone and would prefer streaming music through the phone (as to not wear out my watch battery). This is such a cumbersome process - and I can find no way to shuffle songs *within a playlist* at all - when using my watch to control streamed music though the iPhone, and besides that... more glitches abound. The watch gets confused as to what it is trying to control (watch music or phone music) among other glitches.
Please Apple, make this work better and more intuitive, and for goodness sake PLEASE GIVE US A "ALWAYS SHUFFLE SONGS" default option for playlists.