restore data from old Mac disks
I've been searching for a while but I havent found a solution yet.
My old MBP2012 died and can't start-up anymore.
I configured it back then with a 256GB SSD on the place of the HDD and replaced the optical drive by the original 500GB HDD, together with fusion drive it was a great machine.
Now I bought a MBP2018 (what a machine) and I want to restore some data I didn't place in any online storage or TimeCapsule.
I have a kit to power the disks and connect them via SATA and they both come in to diskutil as "APFS Physical Storage diskxsx". I can't write or read them which I supposed because I used fileVault but I can't find out how to open them and use the data.
I hope somebody can help me.
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.14