Desktop icons reset position after restart (Mojave 10.14.3)
Ever since I upgraded to Mojave, my desktop icons don't stay where I put them whenever I restart.
This only happens on my Mac at work... I have a Mac at home, also with Mojave installed, and it does not have any problem.
I've been using the same Mac at work for years, with the same desktop icon settings.
It wasn't until Mojave that I ever had this problem.
I have about 25 icons (drives, folders, docs, and aliases) organized a certain way based on my workflow.
While not a "huge" problem, it is very annoying to have to put all of them back anytime I need to restart.
I have tried turning settings on and off, resetting the nvram, deleting aliases and recreating them, moving all icons off the desktop... restarting... moving them back. I've tried multiple times and in various combinations. Nothing seems to work.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me solve this.
iMac 27", macOS 10.14