"Menu bar authide-delay and autohide-time-modifier" - Jothu
I love that I, as of Sierra, can auto hide my menu bar, this clears up just a extra little bit of my precious real estate on my 11" MacBook Air's screen. However this is a love/hate relationship because the animation takes ages to start. Just like the dock. So a while ago I went ahead and fixed my dock problem with adding these keys:
defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide-delay - float 0
defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide-timing-fuction -float 0.2
Now I desperately want this for my Menu bar animation. I have searched far and wide for this and I can't find it, I am starting to doubt that it even exists.
If any of you creative, innovative souls have a solution for me I would be really happy.
If not I'm going to have to turn this wonderful feature off. Because it slows me down at least 15s/day. Thats 1,5h/year and I am not going to spend that much time of my life waiting for a friggin UI animation to start.
If someone from apple, with enough authority to add these keys, sees this pleas add them."
Asking for this again, since Jothu got no response. Let's hope it works this time.