Can I upgrade Mail without upgrading OS?
I'm still using a Powerbook G4 (very fine machine, still works well and makes money). Because it's non-Intel, I've decided not to install a newer OS, so I run 10.4.11, which bundles Mail 2.1.3.
This version of Mail is mostly fine for my needs except that it has this 'embedded attachments' issue when I sent attachments to some PCs (i.e. jpegs that I send are received embedded into the body of the email and cannot be downloaded or detached from the message like a normal attachment). I get round this by sending messages in plain text. This means my signature more often than not comes out in ugly and old-fashioned Courier font at the other end - which is not the image I want to project for my creative consultany business!
So, two questions:
i - do later versions of Word address this emmbedded attachments issue?
ii - if so, can I upgrade the version of Mail that I use without needing to upgrade the whole OS? I don't want to change OS as long as I'm using my trusty G4 because I don't think 10.5 or higher would be as happy on this non-Intel machine.
Thanks for any comments (even i. Yes - ii. No, if only to confirm my suspicions).
PB 17 1.67, 2Gb RAM, 30-inch ACD, Mac OS X (10.4.11)