Using Apple Watch definitely fastens hair growth on the wrist where you wear it
To : Apple
From: Andrew ****
Subject: Unusual impact on hair growth during the Apple Watch usage period
Date: 18 March, 2019
This report contains the description of a quite peculiar personal body reaction to Apple Watch that has not yet been mentioned at any extent in Apple Warranty Policy. This aspect is also not covered anywhere else in official documents or user manuals, but since it involves significant body changes and may lead to unpredictable health effects I suppose this issue should be put under thorough investigation.
I have always used only Apple devices because they are of the highest quality and have no alternatives on the market. As an avid Apple user, I bought an official certified by Apple not pre-owned 42mm black aluminum sport version of Apple Watch Series 2 with black silicone strap 20 months ago ( August, 2017). I have always used only official straps and have never put any protection case or anything like that on it. Several months after Apple Watch usage I mentioned that the hair on my left wrist where I where my Apple Watch started to grow a bit faster. Since I am seventeen-year-old student, I thought that it was okey and forgot about that as it did not bother me at all due to my age and to the fact that such body changes are individual features of body development and do not go beyond the norm. But then , suddenly , after approximately 12-14 months of using Apple Watch the hair growth rate of my left arm has increased dramatically and as you can see in the pictures included below, my left arm has become significantly hairier than my right arm is. I tried to point out what the reason for this was and having found no answer myself, I went to the doctor, who confirmed my guesses about the suppositional causes of my unusual hair growth while Apple Watch usage and suggest to write to Apple Company for details. I should also mention that when I started to use AirPods one month ago together with my iPhone 7 and Apple Watch, the hair on my left arm started to grow even faster than it had done before.
My attitude:
Apple Watch play an important role in my everyday life - it is the device I cannot literally live without. It is extremely helpful and allows me to track my activity as well as heart rate as I suffer from several serious congenital heart diseases that require constant control of pulse which Apple Watch is capable of. Unfortunately, I am also at risk of developing skin cancer as a hereditary disease and therefore I am very concerned about any significant changes in my skin and hair such as in this case with Apple Watch. Hopefully, I have not suffered any severe health problems because of my Apple Watch yet.
Although this issue with faster hair growth on the wrist where I wear my Apple Watch on is rather cosmetic, I assume that as an Apple consumer and regular customer, I should be provided with an official reply to it. I also would like to know whether I am the only one suffering this issue or not. In conclusion, I want to stress one more time that I am satisfied with the device itself, but concerned about its effect on body in general and on changes in hair growth rates in particular. I hope this report will help the best company in the world to improve their service and to make our future brighter in the near future.
[Personal Information Edited by Host]
Apple Watch Series 2, watchOS 5