Why does HomePod keep disconnecting from my Apple ID?
Just bought a HomePod. Every few hours, it fails to play music because "I'm having trouble with music. Please check the account details associated in the Home app associated with this HomePod."
Why isn't it staying signed in to the Apple ID I've been using for decades? I'm not sure, but it seems to happen whenever I return to that room with my iPhone.
In the Home app, I can't even find the Apple ID sign-in area Siri refers to. The Home screen just says "Some accessories can not access your Apple Music acco..." And the Details > button only shows my HomePod with no other info. Really, Apple?
Where are these settings? Well, it turns out the UI comes and goes whenever the Home app feels like it.
I looks like HomePod is assuming I must have an Apple Music account, which I don't. How do I hide that feature like can be done in iTunes?
It also keeps saying my Apple ID or password are incorrect. That's not true. They're always correct. HomePod & the Home app simply aren't maintaining a session.
This is a crippling bug.
HomePod, iOS 12