Good day. Somebody is using my other email account to purchase from apple store. That email is not connected to my appke id. How to stop that fake purchase emails?Recently I changed password to.
This is mail
This is mail
It is a phishing attempt. Do not respond. Do not divulge any personal or financial information. You can use the address below to forward the suspect email message, as an attachment to Apple.
The link below has information to help identify fraudulent emails.
It is a phishing attempt. Do not respond. Do not divulge any personal or financial information. You can use the address below to forward the suspect email message, as an attachment to Apple.
The link below has information to help identify fraudulent emails.
Good day. Somebody is using my other email account to purchase from apple store. That email is not connected to my appke id. How to stop that fake purchase emails?Recently I changed password to.