Boot camp unbootable, boots windows repair
After not using my computer for a while (turned off) I booted it back up to windows through boot camp. After I left the computer overnight, taking into mind there was a scheduled update for windows. I came back to use it and windows seemed to not be working anymore. When windows is booted up it goes to windows repair. I ran CHKDSK using the CMD Prompt and majority of the partitions cannot be read so I canceled because of how long it was taking. When I went onto the OS X side, the windows is still readable, files can be accessed etc. However in the disk utility info option the boot camp partition says that it is unbootable (by saying no) the rest of the values also say no. What do I need to do to fix this issue? Without data being lost.
Thank you for your time and replies!
Extra info
Operating: Windows 7 Professional
I have no recent backups of windows
Using 2 external HDD disks
Mac mini 2018 or later