My star ratings disappear after updating iTunes
I am about to be done with apple forever. I have spent many hours going through my entire music collection and rating all my songs in addition to other cataloging activities. Whenever I update iTunes that information disappears. It's been a while since I last updated so I can't remember if all the data (meta-data if that's the correct term) is lost but ALL the star ratings have disappeared both times I updated (was it 2 or 3 times I fell for this?). Can anyone tell me how to update iTunes (as I assume we're supposed to do to keep current) without losing all my ratings (and I think some playlists, but mostly the ratings). Do I have to do something special to keep my star ratings? I shouldn't HAVE to do a **** thing for this not to happen. Fix this Apple. I've loved my ipods for all these years when everything is organized like I like it (5-star, 4-star, 5-star within-certain-genres playlists, etc.) but if I go through and rate ALL my songs ONE last time and it all disappears again, I will seriously ditch Apple forever and trade in all my iPods and just use my Android phone from here on out. Music Bee seems to be a front runner, I wonder if they have this problem.
Windows, Windows 10