If you want to save your project to a specific location, start with a Motion Project.
If you are trying to save a template, rest assured, that's what Motion is doing: it is placing the saved file into a specific location for Final Cut Pro X to use. These are found in FCPX from the various template browsers (Effects and Transitions from the far right upper corner of the storyline/timeline pane, and Titles and Generators browser activated by clicking on the 3rd icon from the far left upper corner of the FCPX workspace pane) depending on the type of project/template you created.
If you don't have Final Cut Pro, and Motion saved an FCPX template, you should be able to find your project in:
/Users/<yourActiveUserfolder>/Movies/Motion Templates/<type of project>/<category you specified>/<project name you gave>/
Inside this last folder you will find a .moef, .motn, .motr or .moti file depending on project type (in order: effect, generator, transition, title). You can double click on these files to open them in Motion.
If Motion isn't saving at all, then perhaps you should try something like repairing disk permissions (Disk Utility > First Aid on your internal HD).