So, my apple watch series 2 overheated and then exploded whilst on its charger yesterday.
The glass screen has shattered and been pushed out by a swollen battery.
Contacted Apple, and after determining that no-one had been injured or property destroyed other than the watch, Apple has totally ceased to care one bit.
I have now been told by Apple Geniuses hat Apple watches have an expected lifespan of between 12 - 24 months before the battery dies. Wasn't told this on purchase! Once an apple watch battery dies, Apple have advised in phone calls that it is 'designed' to puff up or expand rather than catch fire. This is, I am told, totally normal.
So, I've got a busted watch... what can I do?
Well, having phoned, on-line chatted, and visited the store, this is what I've been told...
Apple have a 3 year extended warranty for series 2 watches that are 42mm, due to a known issue of exploding batteries.
Mine is 38mm, and is not covered, despite clearly having a manufacturing defect.
I can sent it for repair, and that will cost me £216.44 as the expanded battery has broken the rest of the watch... Apple refuse to replace this watch, despite it having a manufacturing defect as they say 2.5 years is well over the expected lifespan... For a £350 watch...
2.5 years for a £350 watch, before it explodes is clearly not the service or quality that anyone should expect, never mind from Apple...