Private Browsing
My phones restrictions are all turned off but private browsing still won’t show up. I’ve tried turning restrictions on and off again but it still doesn’t work. Does anyone know how to get it back?
iPhone 8, iOS 12
My phones restrictions are all turned off but private browsing still won’t show up. I’ve tried turning restrictions on and off again but it still doesn’t work. Does anyone know how to get it back?
iPhone 8, iOS 12
See this
That is not the problem
Ok you need to go to settings > general > reset > reset all settings. Then try it again
That still didn’t work, I’m starting to think it is just a glitch.
Ok have you ever had it working? Also do you use screen time?
Yes, it worked, then it was blocked by screen time for a while. When I tried to unblock it from screen time it registered as unlocked but never worked again.
Who set up your screen time? You or someone else?
Someone else, but I disabled it using the same password that they used
Ok I guess your parents or whoever set up doesn’t what you to use private browsing for what ever reason, possibly to do with your age. Sorry I can help you any further.
That’s ok, thank you for your help.
Private Browsing