So , I'm trying to create a composite video with 2 of me in the one scene. I've followed the instruction I've found in an online video on how to do it...but it ain't doing what the video does.
See the image.
I've filmed one short sequence of me sitting in a chair , and then 30 sec later walking to another chair and sitting in that. I then cut the scene in half and stacked the two bits of footage in my work flow. I then choose the mask option and draw a line around the bottom image of me sitting in the chair. According to the video my second image of me should appear as well and I will have the two captured videos of me both sitting in the chairs. ...But , that's not the result. When I draw the line around one image, nothing happens.......Help!!!
PS..I've explained this the best I can....It seems I can't attach the file here no??
Am happy to keep explaining......