iMovie for OS X Yosemite version 10.10.5
How I get a free iMovie app on my mac for OS X Yosemite version 10.10.5?
Your help is much much appreciated.
How I get a free iMovie app on my mac for OS X Yosemite version 10.10.5?
Your help is much much appreciated.
As Rich says, iMovie 6 still has a fan base, so worth a try.
If you can find the 2 DVD discs that came with your Mac way back in 2009, then you can install iMovie ver 8.( aka iMovie '09).
One disk contained the OS and the second disc contained applications such as iMovie and iDVD plus others.
This is from memory.......which is fading fast.
From the second disc you should be able to do a "Custom " install which means you select the applications that you want rather than all of them.If you want all of them then fine, they will be listed, you just have to select which ones you want.
You should then be able to update to iMovie 8.0.6 from this
As Rich says, iMovie 6 still has a fan base, so worth a try.
If you can find the 2 DVD discs that came with your Mac way back in 2009, then you can install iMovie ver 8.( aka iMovie '09).
One disk contained the OS and the second disc contained applications such as iMovie and iDVD plus others.
This is from memory.......which is fading fast.
From the second disc you should be able to do a "Custom " install which means you select the applications that you want rather than all of them.If you want all of them then fine, they will be listed, you just have to select which ones you want.
You should then be able to update to iMovie 8.0.6 from this
In the link above that Rich supplied, paragraph 1,"CHECK COMPATIBILITY" will indicate if you can run Mojave on your Mac.
If your Mac is not compatible with Mojave then go down to the bottom of that same link to "LEARN MORE"
Learn more
You may be able to install High Sierra 10.13.6 which will enable you to download iMovie 10.1.11 which is the latest available.
The High Sierra link will indicate whether or not your Mac is compatible with High Sierra and provide a link to download it.
Unfortunately El Capitan or Sierra will not allow you to download iMovie 10 unless you have downloaded in the past.
If you have previously downloaded it ,it will be listed on your Purchased page in the App Store.
Have you ever had iMovie version 10 before?
I am afraid not.
Your Mac could probably be upgraded to run El Capitan. but that still would not allow you to get iMovie.
It is a shame that Apple do not allow users, who can only upgrade as far as El Capitan, to download the compatible version of iMovie.You had to download iMovie whilst Yosemite /El Capitan was the current OS.
Those upgrading to Yosemite or El Capitan, as probably in your case , after they were superseded have unfortunately missed the boat.
The thing is that if you had a second Mac with OS 10.13.6 or later ( High Sierra or Mojave) and you had iMovie on that, then you would be able to get a compatible version of iMovie for your Mac running Yosemite ( or El Capitan if you upgraded to that).
This is because your second Mac( OS 10.13.6 or later) would place iMovie onto your Purchased page and enable you to download
a compatible version of iMovie onto your Yosemite Mac.
Under these circumstances if Apple are happy for you to have iMovie on your Yosemite /El Capitan Mac then why don't they allow you to have it anyway?
None of this however helps you at this stage, I'm afraid.
You still have iMovie version 8, I assume?
Thanks for the detailed reply thesurreyfriends, really appreciate it. unfortunately I don't have iMovie 8 on my mac either, it was rebooted a few years ago and it disappeared and I couldn't get it back. I don't really mind what version of iMovie I have. I just want a basic editing programme (that is free of course) but this seems to be difficult at the moment! I appreciate your help so far man!
You can get iMovie 6.5.1. It is a hacked version, not official, but it has received good reviews by some contributors to this forum. It works on High Sierra. You would need to see if it works on your operating system.
You can get it here:
iMovie 6 is a very intuitive video editing program that many people think is better than later versions. I still use it from time to time.
-- Rich
Here's a link that will show you how to upgrade to Mojave. From there you can download for free current iMovie 10.1.11.
-- Rich
You don't.
You must upgrade to El Capitan (at least) for the most current version.
Hey there, thank you. I've never downloaded iMovie10 before and High Sierra is not compatible to my mac. It's vintage, bought it in 2009. So I guess there is no way I can get iMovie on my old mac?
Thanks so much for this!! Appreciate it.
iMovie for OS X Yosemite version 10.10.5