Grayed Out Junk Folder on Yahoo
Hello all! This is my first post and I hope this information will save you time on this issue.
For the iOS system; placing email in the junk folder is the easiest way to keep your emails clean and neat. If anyone has tried to place email from Yahoo into the junk folder; you will notice this.
The “Junk” option is grayed out. 😡
It’s okay. 🙂Here is how it can be done easily and simply.
First, let’s mark the emails from senders we don’t want to see anymore. Select edit.
Then you will will be able to mark those annoying emails!
This is the “tricky” part. You do NOT select Move or you will get a grayed out Junk folder again. Instead select Mark.
After this selection; guess what pops up? 😃
Yeah baby😍!
Hopefully this helps you out. Good luck and thank you for reading.👍
iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 12