no sound
I hear sounds on Startup but iTunes and Safari don't make sounds, even with volume on full. Checked System Preferences and settings seem okay. What's wrong?
MacBook Air 13", macOS 10.14
I hear sounds on Startup but iTunes and Safari don't make sounds, even with volume on full. Checked System Preferences and settings seem okay. What's wrong?
MacBook Air 13", macOS 10.14
Hard to say if there is a hardware issue; you may try and see (could require more
than one/two attempts to test) ~ if a reset of NVRAM would affect a change here.
• Reset NVRAM or PRAM on your Mac - Apple Support
{..The use of these keyboard commands on restart can be a little problematic at times..}
PS: there were no replies here when mine was begun.
Thanks for the suggestions.
All of the above didn't help.
What solved the problem was to alt+click the volume icon on top on the Menu bar (had to show it by checking the box on System Preferences > Sound) where, surprisingly, I saw the output device (internal speakers) not checked, as soon as I clicked on it... done.
This was after I've done NVRAM reset, opening the terminal console and pasting all of the crazy stuff, and force quitting coreaudiod on Activity Monitor - all failed.
SMC reset
Zap pram
Yes, it does help to have 'internal speakers' checked in Sys Prefs.
Unless one also has external speakers attached ~ on purpose.
Thank you for the clarification and response.!🌞
no sound