safari seems infected w searchmine virus ?
safari seems infected w searchmine virus ?
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.14
safari seems infected w searchmine virus ?
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.14
You have adware/malware installed. Try downloading this program which was written by Thomas R, a long time poster. The program will search for malware/adware. The program will do the work for you which makes it easy. It may be necessary to run more than one scan. After running the scans, restart the computer.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac 10.10 and later
You have adware/malware installed. Try downloading this program which was written by Thomas R, a long time poster. The program will search for malware/adware. The program will do the work for you which makes it easy. It may be necessary to run more than one scan. After running the scans, restart the computer.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac 10.10 and later
I installed Malwarebytes last night and it removed searchmine. This evening it's back. Malwarebytes scans and reports computer is clean. And searchmine is still there. Any help for next steps? thanks.
Where did you see this?! Please provide us with more info of this occurrence.
If you got a message such as this, it's best you ignore it, as it is a scam. Also, changing your credentials, would be highly-important, in any circumstance such as this.
Please do not download any programs from the sites below, especially MacKeeper. They will cause nothing but problems.
Go to Safari, then preferences, then website and highlight and then click on remove it, which is in the bottom of the same page.
I have done as you instructed. I see Searchmine, but "remove it" is not highlighted, so I can't remove it.
Even though "remove it" wasn't highlighted, Searchmine seems to be gone thank you very much!
safari seems infected w searchmine virus ?