Dark mode not working properly
Hey, I have just noticed that my windows are white in dark mode, except upper tab, wallpaper and the dock.
I am using MacBook Air 2018
Thanks for your help
MacBook Air
Hey, I have just noticed that my windows are white in dark mode, except upper tab, wallpaper and the dock.
I am using MacBook Air 2018
Thanks for your help
MacBook Air
After doing some research I have solved the problem thanks to "dialabrain"
I put the line bellow into the Terminal, logged out and then back in... and choose dark mode
defaults delete -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance
After doing some research I have solved the problem thanks to "dialabrain"
I put the line bellow into the Terminal, logged out and then back in... and choose dark mode
defaults delete -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance
Dark mode not working properly