Mojave10.4.6 no internet after 10 minutes
Since performing two new updates from my Update Notification, yesterday, I only get about 10 minutes of internet (Safari) till all internet, ALL, stops on my computer, and I have to take serious steps to get it back. (yes, so I am in a hurry to type this). MacBook Air early 2015. The internet connectivity just stops, full stop.
--restart Safari, same issue, start come--same issue,
--move to desk with three wifi networks routers on the desk, issue persists on from all three networks.
--have iPad and iPhone with me at same time, and no connectivity issue, even as I type this in my limited 10 minutes, my iPad will continue with no problem on the same wifi network.
--rebooted computer, launch Safari, same issue.
--deleted Application Support, rebooted, launched Safari, it works for 10 minutes, chrome works for 10 minutes, then connectivity is gone again, and I have to repeat deleting the Application support files.
--have reduced the deletion process down to three folders in the Application support, and once I reboot, I get the internet for 10 minutes. It has been this way all day, since yesterday's OS updates.
--I did delete the Preferences folder one time, but narrowed the issue down the the following three folders, that is, to get connectivity, I delete these three, reboot, and the internet comes back for 10 minutes or less.
PLEASE someone find a fix for this? I am considering booting to recovery and going backwards on my OS.
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