How to remove holidays from my iPhone
How do I remove holidays from my iPhone?
[Edited by Moderator]
iPhone XS
How do I remove holidays from my iPhone?
[Edited by Moderator]
iPhone XS
You also might want to take a look at this user tip:
Create Your Own Holiday Calendar From A S… - Apple Community
You also might want to take a look at this user tip:
Create Your Own Holiday Calendar From A S… - Apple Community
I do NOT see any unsubscribe button on my iPhone X for a calendar. I did however see an "alternate" calendar checklist for "Off, Chinese, Hebrew and Islamic".
There is also under "default" calendars, "work, home and calendar" available to check.
And where do I find a calendar to subscribe to?
Apple's U.S. Holidays calendar includes the 10 U.S. Federal Holidays, established by Congress and officially only applying to Federal employees (Congress has no power to make holidays for anyone else), as well as the holidays of the five most-practiced religions in the U.S. as well as a few random others. It's an all or nothing proposition. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to the entire calendar. You cannot delete individual events from this (or any other) subscribed calendar.
I think you're in the wrong place. Tap on the icon for the calendar app.
I believe that's the correct calendar.
Unsubscribe from the standard holiday calendar, which contains both government holidays and holidays for most major religions, and subscribe to one that meets your particular needs.
Open the Calendar app. Tap the word "Calendars" in the middle of the bottom of the screen. Uncheck the calendars you don't want to use.
There is NOTHING at the bottom of my screen. I went to calendars in settings. Also, I have checked "off" to additional chinese, hebrew and islamic
I am presently subscribed to US holidays, but want to unsubscribe to all others not relevant to me.
How to remove holidays from my iPhone