NOT CHARGING - Macbook Pro 2017 Touch Bar - (4 Thunderbold Ports) Not Charging
So I purchased my laptop in January of 2018 and in January 2019 around 5 days before the warranty was about to run out I had an issue with the display where black lines started to appear. Luckily I noticed and toom it to my local Apple Authorized Repair Center and they replaced the whole top case.
Then in June out of nowhere the laptop wouldn't charge and when I took it to the repair center again they said it was an issue with the logic board and that it would have to be replaced (1000$+ repair cost). I left the device for diagnosis. And after about a week they called back and said once removing amd putting it back together the issue was gone.?!! I asked the technician what the problem was and he said he couldn't figure it out.
Then two months later last week(August 2019) the same issue came up. The technician previously said that if the issue arises again that it would be best to replace the logic board.
As it's more than one third of the Original cost and seeing that if I got it replaced the only thing working from the device I bought would be the keyboard (the irony🤦🏽♂️).
Have any of you experienced the same issue? The people at the store said sometimes Apple replaces the whole device if it has the same issue multiple times and I would need to contact them myself. (Note: There's no Official Apple Store in my country which is an island so shipping it out or taking it myself would have the same cost)
Has anyone ever received a replacement outside the warranty period? I'm even willing to pay a fair price since it would be worth it to get a new device sonce clearly I received a dud.
Should I go for the replacement?
This issue came up after a year and even after the replacement if it came up again after 3 months I would have to pay for another replacement with the same cost.
MacBook Pro with Touch Bar