Time Machine – Failing to backup (Error 49)
For quite some time I've been having issues with Time Machine. Even after buying a new backup drive the issues persist. Strangely, a month worth of backups has passed, and only now the issues have started.
After initiating a backup it fails instantly, without backing up a single file.
When trying to initiate a backup, the following happens:
The drive is GUID Partitioned, macOS Extended Journaled. (I have tried MBR & Apple too, none work).
Running Mojave (10.14.6). Also, no .inProgress file is present, the iMac folder is empty. Removing the com.apple.TimeMachine.plist file also doesn't fix the issue.
When restarting my Mac, or performing a macOS system software update, the mac instantly reverts to the latest backup available, thus resulting in data loss. It also doesn't complete the update, it is stuck on the same OS version as before shutting down. Usually after attempting to update for a second time, it completes and upgrades, but doesn't retrieve my lost data.
iMac Line (2012 and Later)