How to cancel iCloud payment
How to cancel iCloud payment
How to cancel iCloud payment
I don't need iCloud storage now. My Macbook has completely failed, there's no point in keeping this backup on iCloud. I did try to explain this to an Apple employee three weeks ago, but despite promises nothing has happened.
Please tell me how to cancel the iCloud subscription.
I don't need iCloud storage now. My Macbook has completely failed, there's no point in keeping this backup on iCloud. I did try to explain this to an Apple employee three weeks ago, but despite promises nothing has happened.
Please tell me how to cancel the iCloud subscription.
Learn here: Downgrade your iCloud storage - Apple Support
What of you no longer have an iphone I keep getting charged for the last 7 months and tried to cancel and even requested a refund but I still keep getting charged
How do I cancel icloud on my credit card without canceling the card.
How to cancel iCloud payment