Is it safe to install XQuartz on Mac OSX 10.14 ?
Is it safe to install XQuartz on Mac OSX 10.14 to use Inkscape?
Is it safe to install XQuartz on Mac OSX 10.14 to use Inkscape?
I would take a close look at the trial of Affinity Designer (v1.7.2) that can open and export .svg, as well as several other formats (including Photoshop .psd). The trial is at the bottom of that linked page, and if you believe it is worth $49 for polished and supported software that is not subscriptionware, then it is also in the Mac App Store.
Disclaimer: I have owned Affinity Designer since it came out a few years back, and receive no benefit from the vendor for mentioning their product here.
Inkscape for the Mac no longer has a pre-built binary, or even a .dmg installer for download. You have to compile it yourself (not recommended), and the inkscape,org preferred method is to install the MacPorts package manager, and once that is installed and configured, you can install Inkscape. Supposedly, there is a very early native Mac GUI client that can be installed via MacPorts but I haven't bothered. Currently, XQuartz is needed to run inkscape on the Mac. There may be a native Mac client whenever inkscape v1.0 is released.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you will need to have Apple's command-line tools for Xcode (compiler) installed, or Xcode itself in order that the package manager can actually build inkscape for you. Additionally, inkscape has a ton of dependencies that will require a huge number of other packages to be installed prior to the inkscape build. In my opinion, it is simply not worth it with more modern tools available that cost less than the present inkscape installation headache.
There is a native build of inkscape for Windows that you can download directly from the site. I have it running in Windows 10 1903 in Virtualbox, and that avoids all the preceding hurdles should I need it.
Thanks for the reply Allan. Where can I get info about RoaringApps?
I have been reading some discussions online and some people had issues with it.
I wonder if there are any security issues by installing it since its ab old app.
Do you use InkScape on the Mac?
VikingOSX, thanks for the info.
I have Affinity Designer. I love it. Very powerful!!! It's my app of choice for vector work. I like it better than Adobe products.
However, Affinity Designer doesn't have an Auto-Trace feature, but Inkscape does. This is why I wanted to use Inkscape. Just for the auto-trace feature.
VikingOSX, thanks for the info.
I have Affinity Designer. I love it. Very powerful!!! It's my app of choice for vector work. I like it better than Adobe products.
However, Affinity Designer doesn't have an Auto-Trace feature, but Inkscape does. This is why I wanted to use Inkscape. Just for the auto-trace feature.
The installation of Inkscape for some reason seems outdated and not very secure. I am not going that route.
I am looking into Corel Draw for the Mac or Super Vectorizer 2 for now.
Thanks for following up.
I probably will not use Inkscape again on the Mac — until that organization places a prebuilt, installable macOS application on their site again. Too much grief for the current alternatives.
Good luck with your alternative product decision(s).
I feel the same way.
If you are on a windows machine, check out CorelDraw.
If you are on a Mac, check out CorelDraw or Super Vectorizer 2.
I am going to download the trial version of CorelDraw for mac today and see how it goes.
Of course, at the glacial pace that Inkscape is being updated, I may be too feeble to use a computer when it reaches version 1.0 and (hopefully) a prebuilt, native Mac client becomes available.
You can download Inkscape as a prebuilt, Windows application installer — directly from the Inkscape site. I run Windows 10 (1903) as a guest in Virtualbox with a native Inkscape. No need for other tools there.
But we have to purchase windows to do that. I don't have or use windows.
I am looking forward to the day that Inkscape gets a nice upgrade to work on a Mac without the need to install other cumbersome apps to run it. Like Blender 3D, they have a done a great job with their app.
According to RoaringApps, it works fine on Mojave.
No. I have never even heard of InkScape before.
You can find it at the link below. For now it say no data on InkScape yet.
Here is some other ideas and examples for tracing tools that may help you avoid the migraine of installing Inkscape.
I found this video.
I'll look at the tracing tools link you posted. Thank you!
Just following up … did you settle on an available auto-trace solution as replacement for Inkscape?
Is it safe to install XQuartz on Mac OSX 10.14 ?