concerned I might lose data...
I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize for the post I previously wrote here a few minutes ago about Apple IDs. I want you to know that I was just trying to be witty and not offensive. My concerns are that if I miss an email about a payment method not working on my iCloud storage that has data in it (for example) because I don't check my email account often enough, I might lose my data. I don't use that email for anything but billing.
The young man who helped me was terrific and I've set up some rules so that these emails can get forwarded to another email address. But still...
Yesterday I signed up for the Apple Credit Card and my card is using my email account and I cannot change this. It's why I'm bringing this up now about having two Apple IDs. It's what prompted me to write the post that was deleted. When I signed up, I was not able to choose what Apple ID I wanted to use. So I called Goldman Sacs and they couldn't change the email for me, and I don't think there is any way for me to change this myself. I tried.
Can someone please tell me how to leave feedback like this for Apple? And if there is a way for me to use my other Apple ID email for my Apple Credit Card, can someone please point the way?
The problem keeps building as I continue to use an Apple ID I don't need.
Thanks for listening.