My iphone cannot find my AirPrint printer
I purchased a new Canon wireless AirPrint - My ipone or ipad cannot locate the airprint. I have set up the printer on the same wi-Fi. ?????
I purchased a new Canon wireless AirPrint - My ipone or ipad cannot locate the airprint. I have set up the printer on the same wi-Fi. ?????
Good evening, I created an account on the community forum in order to tell you how to fix the dreaded "No AirPrint printers found" error. I dont think I should but unfortunately, there is someone in my circle who decided to buy Apple products for his office.
So this is how it goes :
1- Go physically to your printer.
2- Open the menu on your printer and go in the network settings
3- Go into the TCP/IP settings
4- Select IPv6 and enable it. This is disabled by default on most printers.
5- Go into your router using the address or whichever address your router uses to be accessed.
6- The default password for most routers is : password or admin
7- Select Advanced settings
8- Select Network settings or wireless settings depending on the model of router you have
9- Select IPv6.
10- Enable IPv6. (Most routers have IPv6 disabled which might explain why your printer stopped working after buying a new router)
11- Select DHCP server
12- Enable DHCP server(Most routers have this option disabled by default)
13- Save the settings
14- Turn off your router.
15- Turn off your printer
15- Turn on your router
15- Turn on your printer
16- At this point your printer might of forgot the wireless settings so you will need to connect your printer to the wifi again.
17- Go on your apple device and try to print.
At this point, you might be saying: "but dude, I never had to do any of this with my old router". That is because router manufacturers use the most secure settings as default. Not going to lie, I do not suggest following this procedure if you manage a company and sensitive data.
My iphone cannot find my AirPrint printer