i can't find itunes on my dell laptop
I can't find itunes on my dell. When I try to download from microsoft store it says I have it.
I can't find itunes on my dell. When I try to download from microsoft store it says I have it.
Hi mike5388,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. I understand that you're having trouble locating iTunes on your PC, but when you attempt to download it you see a message stating it's already installed. I can see why you'd reach out about this; I'd like to help. First, I'd recommend using this resource to locate installed apps on your PC and check if there is an issue with iTunes installation: See all your apps in Windows 10
If you're unable to locate, repair, or open iTunes after using those steps, I'd recommend using this resource to uninstall and reinstall iTunes on your PC: Remove and reinstall iTunes and related software components for Windows 7 and later
Best Regards.
i can't find itunes on my dell laptop