iPhone 8 barely/doesn't vibrate?
I usually keep my phone on silent because I can't have any noises go off in class. My iPhone 8 very faintly and sometimes doesn't even vibrate at all. It hasn't been vibrating for as long as I can remember.
It doesn't vibrate when my alarm goes off in the morning. When I toggle vibrate on ring/silent on and off, it gives a very short vibration, like haptic feedback does when I press and hold apps and turn on my flashlight and such. In addition, when I go to the individual vibration patterns and click on the different ones to test them, they all feel the same way that haptic feedback does (staccato does not vibrate twice, heartbeat doesn't vibrate multiple times in a row, etc.). Sometimes, when I click on the vibration patterns, they don't vibrate/give that feeling at all. When I turn haptic feedback off, the same thing still happens. Further, when I turn system haptics off, the small short vibration still occurs when I press and hold apps and turn on my flashlight and such.
I have vibrate on ring, vibrate on silent, and vibration in accessibility all turned on. My software is up to date, and I have restarted my phone many times.
It's always been a problem, but I'm just addressing it now. What can I do? Is my vibration/hardware broken? Should I go to the genius bar? Please help, I am desperate.
iPhone 8