apple watch explode on my wrist
Any other people here had this problem with your watch? I was taking some photos in Quebec City and from nothing this happened (check photo below).
I live in Brazil and here a watch can costs 3 times the minimum wage, it is a shame how a thing so expensive can break like that.
I have 8 other apple products and they did not show any respect in a store in USA, when a friend that lives there asked for help, trying to be in eligibility for the recent recall.
Is there a chance to have better luck on other store, or maybe this is the final word of apple? It is a shame have no support in a situation like that.
Really thinking in change for samsung and dell in a near future.
one more thing:
I have a macbook pro that I need to have a paper saying that is not eligible to battery recall to take with me in an airplane. What a **** is going on with apple? My macbook in Brazil costs 24 minimum wages, it's an absurd for a low quality product with almost no support when needed.
Apple Watch