HDCP Issues on 2014 Mac Mini
Hey guys. I have this super frustrating issue with my Mac mini (late 2014). For some reason I get this error message saying "Can't play this in HD because of HDCP something something". So I've searched the internet trying to figure out the issue.
I've tried the hard reset of the Mac Mini which some meant should fix the problem. I've also tried the turning off the Mac and restarting it while pressing "Shift-ctrl-alt and power button". The latter actually worked but then I got this weird green flickering on the screen. Then, when I tried to search for a fix for the green screen, the problem with HDCP whatever came back. So I'm pretty much back to square one with zero ideas left on how to tackle the problem.
I have as previously mentioned a Mac mini 2014 and I use an LG Oled 4K TV with a Denon Receiver in between the two. Does anyone have any ideas?