Thank you for helping the Apple Community. I would like to share some other grievances I have with IOS 13 which I have posted in response to another grieving member of the community who said that when he or she forwarded messages using the newly upgraded Apple mail app on iOS 13 which we were so desperately looking forward to, the original message in the string disappeared! Surprise, surprise... well, so I responded as follows:
Yes, I have upgraded to iOS 13.1.3. No, I have not reported this to Apple because for God’s sake, when making a transition into iOS 13 from iOS 12, is it not natural to maintain the functionality of iOS 12 and make it better when going into iOS 13? This is basis.! Just FYI I have a iPhone X so I expect that it is not my phone. Really, Apple should consider a “business” version of their iOS going forward. Dark mode or light mode, or organizing photos into albums means nothing. It’s time for Apple to get serious since due to the lack of competition out there we are stuck with using everything Apple. Emails are not for fun, it’s a part of our daily life, more than I wish but that is life....Apple support is as “lost” as I am. After the upgrade to iOS 13 the GPS ( WAZE, google maps and Apple maps) was horrible so I contacted them for help since I rely on WAZE every day. After spending an hour chatting, and following all their suggestions, I was told to reset my phone completely to factory settings. Well, being the obedient “fool” I wiped out the entire phone and started from scratch. Guess what? Back to square one! GPS constantly dies when I need it most. While driving on the Merritt parkway in Connecticut, with no signal, the GPS wakes up and says make a right now? Right where? All I see are the trees turning color (love fall, for this not in the North East) then the GPS takes a nap for the next 10 minutes until it goes crazy and makes me go crazy! Only this summer, I used WAZE driving around Greece during a holiday and it was superb. I was on iOS 12. On this subject, when I was chatting with Apple support, I asked them why Apple did not have a interactive driving app like Waze? We all use Apple cellphones and have the location services on, technology is out there so what was holding them back? I also reminded Apple that they have the resources (man power and M O N E Y from generous donors like you and I) Well, I was told that I should contact their R&D department to give them this idea. Really? I would prefer a better “Maps” app than the dark mode or the BEDTIME settings in Alarms which also messed me up, by the way.
Too much said. I guess I should go to the Microsoft outlook app since I use Office 365, use the navigation in my car and “get there when I get there..” and wipe off the dust of my grandfather’s alarm clock and use it while Apple gets their act together.😎