How do I return to Apple TV Home screen?
I have no idea why I’m stuck on this page forever. Where are the rest of the apps (including App Store)? No matter how hard I press the home button, it stays here.
Please help me🙏
I have no idea why I’m stuck on this page forever. Where are the rest of the apps (including App Store)? No matter how hard I press the home button, it stays here.
Please help me🙏
You are already seeing the Home Screen, but it is not complete for some reason. Several more apps should be there. A hint of the other apps should be visible near the bottom, indicating that you can scroll down.
Try a new reset or restore through the menu.
It looks like you’re on the home screen. . That's how it appears until you swipe down to view others.
Are you able to move one of those apps? If one can move to the lower area, the apps below are there.
You can verify your other apps are there by looking in settings in Apps
Did you update to tvOS 13, Is this what caused it? If you’ve not updated, go into settings and do the update.
you can try a restart from settings and even try unplugging it for about 30 seconds.
Check the Remote:
While in settings, check your remote is charged enough as well. It might be your remote not working
If your Apple TV remote isn't working - Apple Support
if you have the Apple TV remote app installed on your phone you can try with that also, it requires setting up from a code shown on your TV - you can download it from the App Store
is it your network? Reboot your wifi modem if you’re using wifi
Which Apple TV do you have?
Press and hold the menu button
I think you’re on the home screen and the settings App was your last viewed app?
swipe down to see the rest
There is no ‘the rest’ 🙈 I just reset my Apple TV and this is all I have.
I pressed the menu button for over a minute and nothing happened🙈
Apple TV 4K. It should work
How do I return to Apple TV Home screen?