How to configure firewire
How to configure firewire
Good afternoon Keith,
Thank you for your reaction.
For some years I have been editing video tapes (DV) on my 2011 iMac.
I connect my Canon XM2 camcorder to my iMac with a firewire cable.
A few days ago my Adobe Premiere Elements (11) program stopped recognising the camcorder.
As i checked the network I found that though there was a cable connected on both sides, Adobe premiere did not "see" the camcorder. Changing cables and programs did not solve the problem.
The status (hereunder) is in Dutch and means : No connection. There are no firewire apparatus connected.
That is the reason why I asked Apple to tell me how to configure firewire as one can confirm Ethernet.
I thought I could solve the problem in this way.
Thanks in advance for helping me.
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Good afternoon Dialabrain,
Thank you for your reaction.
For some years I have been editing video tapes (DV) on my 2011 iMac.
I connect my Canon XM2 camcorder to my iMac with a firewire cable.
A few days ago my Adobe Premiere Elements (11) program stopped recognising the camcorder.
As i checked the network I found that though there was a cable connected on both sides, Adobe premiere did not "see" the camcorder. Changing cables and programs did not solve the problem.
The status (hereunder) is in Dutch and means : No connection. There are no firewire apparatus connected.
That is the reason why I asked Apple to tell me how to configure firewire as one can confirm Ethernet.
I thought I could solve the problem in this way.
Thanks in advance for helping me.
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Unfortunately following your advice was not the solution. Thanks anyway.
In the meantime I found out that there have been installed on my iMac two thunderbolt connections(version 1 and 2 ) and that Apple can provide an conversion cable from firewire to thunderbolt.
Tomorrow I will ask Apple.
If this solution is successful I will let you know
You need to explain.. You don't configure Firewire. It's a hardware interface.
And it would also be helpful to know which iMac, since native Firewire ports have not been available for *years*.
Ah, it used to be that to reset the firewire you could unplug the computer for a bit - a half hour or so. Note, you have to unplug it, not just turn it off.
It might be the camcorder.
I bought a conversion cable firewire to thunderbridge but it did not solve the problem.
I think you are right and the camera is to blame.
Thanks again