Me too, I want the beep back. I thought Siri had actually stopped working with voice command because I wasn’t hearing her respond with the beep. I wasn’t hearing anything at all. There I was like an idiot yelling “Hey Siri” over and over again. I thought I had a problem with my iPhone or AirPods. I’ve been trying to trouble shoot this for a couple of weeks or so now.
I’m a cyclist and it wasn’t until I was home inside, out of traffic that when I prompt Siri with a voice command now, she actually says “uh-huh or Mmmmm?” I cannot hear this outside in the streets with all the noise.
When I double tap for Siri, I get her acknowledgement with the beep. This is loud and clear and then I know I have her attention to then go on with my request. This used to be the case with voice commands. I’m cycling, I need my hands on the handlebars and brakes. I don’t want to keep tapping my AirPods every time I need Siri.
So is this a bug? Or have they changed the Siri audio interface thingy? If anyone knows how to fix this, please help!